Category: leadership

  • Insights into First-Time Leadership

    Insights into First-Time Leadership

    It’s likely no one taught you HOW to be a Manager of other humans. The one promise I have for you if you are considering Management, especially in Design,…

  • Harnessing Leadership Philosophies for Team Harmony and Growth

    Harnessing Leadership Philosophies for Team Harmony and Growth

    In the ever-evolving landscape of design leadership, the role of a design manager transcends beyond just overseeing projects and deliverables. It embodies the essence of guiding teams through conflicts,…

  • How modern mentorship “should” create equity & self-efficacy

    How modern mentorship “should” create equity & self-efficacy

    Mentorship is an important part of many journeys in personal and professional development. Having a mentor can make the difference of getting a foot in the door, guidance while…

  • work needs to suck less: the surgeon general’s call to action

    work needs to suck less: the surgeon general’s call to action

    There is soooooo much out there regarding workplace fatigue, “quiet-quitting” and “lazy girl jobs” right now, so I won’t use your time describing the state of workplace wellbeing. Let’s…

  • Radical candor for leadership development and coaching

    Radical candor for leadership development and coaching

    Radical candor for leadership development and coaching Relatively early in my leadership career, I discovered an earlier version of Kim Scott’s talk on delivering feedback to employees using Radical…

  • Are Managers complicit in employee burnout

    Are Managers complicit in employee burnout

    I had an “aha” moment today while talking to coaching client who is a seasoned manager of a large team. We were discussing our responsibilities as leaders when we…

  • Fractional leadership

    Fractional leadership

    Have you been hearing folks in your network use the phrase “fractional executive” to refer to themselves? I first noticed this phrase popping up more and more about 6…

  • Middle Managers are key to employee culture

    Culture plays a critical role in nurturing a healthy environment for employees in our workplaces. Culture can be defined as the beliefs, behaviors, and interactions between individuals and teams….

  • reconnect to your team’s purpose

    reconnect to your team’s purpose

    As we continue to ride the waves of post-pandemic mass corporate change, the sudden rise in popularity of AI technology and emerging generational differences in the workplace there is…